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So we took a little trip to the CERES hydroponic set-up to see what is happening with their system. Katherine (head hydro farmer) has moved away from aquaponics towards hydroponics because the fish in their existing system had stopped feeding and growing. With little experience in how to deal with this, she made the decision to forego the fish and concentrate on trying to find new ways of adding organic inputs into the hydro system. Currently, they are adding convential inputs in order to mimic the role of the fish and are producing basil and kale, among other things, for the CERES food fair produce boxes. Katherine hopes to further investigate ways to move away from these conventional inputs and find organic methods of fish replacement. Steve was there to give us a thorough overview of the system and to motivate us to think of ways in which we can firstly revive, and then continually improve on the progress with our system. Onwards and upwards!

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