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About US

We are a dedicated team of volunteers who want to learn more about aquaponics systems  - their design, operation and potential as integrated urban food production  systems. We are attempting to revive the CERES aquaponics set-up which was previously functional and in fact, producing good amounts of food, but that was understaffed in terms of maintenance. 


Aquaponics is a system in which both plants and fish are raised and excess nutrients from the fish are used as nourishment by the plants. This cyclic process allows for a symbiotic relationship between the plants and the fish, and as such, a more closed-loop system than either aquaculture or hydroponics is created. Having said that, the balance between the two is a sensitive one, and getting it right will be a steep learning curve for our team. The size of our group will mean that data is able to be collected every day and all issues with the system can be identified as soon as possible.


This blog has been created mainly to keep team members in the loop with regards to events and progress on the system. Feel free to comment or contact us via the blog should you have any questions.


Happy growing!

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